Corporate Partnerships
We welcome support from Corporate Partners across three broad areas: student support, access and outreach, and professional development. The National Centre then works closely with organisations to understand their missions and objectives, contributing to strong brand and marketing campaigns with all partners so that they are able to fully leverage the benefits of their support. Benefits enjoyed by corporate partners and sponsors can include:
- Brand recognition across our digital platforms (over 50k international followers on Instagram).
- Association with a chosen National Centre programme as a named supporter and the exclusive ability to talk about this in campaigns.
- Access to performances for staff and customers.
- Access to world class circus performers for campaigns and live events.
- Access to our iconic venue for in-person events.
- Case studies, stories and exclusive content that can be used in campaigns.
- Insight into student stories or journeys.
- Exclusive circus sessions for staff or customers.
- Access to our professional artists for digital or print campaigns, live events and staff recognition
For more information about the supporting our work please contact us on development@nationalcircus.org.uk
Case study
We successfully partnered with UBS who supported the London Youth Circus for several years. Their support enabled us to run a world-leading progressive training programme and delivered on several outcomes:
- The provision of student bursaries to widen access to education in the performing arts and ensure that those who were unable to afford it were not excluded from participation.
- Ensuring that the National Centre could engage with children and young people from its neighbourhood in East London.
- Developing clear progressions routes from the London Youth Circus to the degree programme.