A range of resources for artists and industry professionals
These resources have been gathered together and contributed to by a number of circus organisations and professionals as part of Circus Change UP. If you have a suggestion of a resource that could be added to the list, please email info@circuschangeup.co.uk.

Find out about recent developments and circus history

Access policy and strategy documents for ensuring that the staging of circus remains sustainable

Resources including planning and managing budgets

View a range of funders and understand how other producers and venues seek support

Find out more about how the circus sector operates

Learn about how the sector looks after its producers and performers

Understand more about the work that the sector does to include the best access for all

View contract examples and terms and conditions of employment

A suite of marketing and communication resources

A suite of resources for staging circus

Specialist circus rigging resources

Visit CircusWorks, the UK's youth circus umbrella