A project available for Secondary schools in the boroughs of Hackney, Tower Hamlets and Islington
Tasters: 2 hours minimum
After school clubs: 1 – 2 hours
Tasters – Monday – Friday in school hours
After School Club: to fit into your timetable of extracurricular activities.
At your school, moving to the National Centre for Circus Arts by term 2 of the academic year.
11 – 15 (years 7 to 10)
Free! Some charges may apply for further tasters.
Engaging more local young people in our circus activities has always been important to us. This one-year project will aim to provide tasters in circus right through to eventually enabling those who are passionate to receive scholarships to train regularly.
Delivered in partnership with schools within our local boroughs (Hackney, Tower Hamlets and Inslington), this project aims to promote and engage participants in circus and physical activity; provide mentorship; develop life skills such as confidence, creativity and team work and create a robust pathway into progressive and educational provisions at NCCA, as well as other circus and educational institutions. The project also aims to engage students of People of Global Majority and students from low socio-economic backgrounds.
Could you be a partnership school?
If yes, then get in touch! We’ll deliver some tasters during school time before the end of July 2023 to generate interest. In September 2023, NCCA will come to your school to deliver a term of weekly circus activity in the form of an after-school club to those who were inspired by the tasters.
With the school teachers’ support, an agreed number of participants would then receive a scholarship to attend weekly classes at NCCA for a further two terms.
Contact participation@nationalcircus.org.uk to find out how to get involved.