Model Publication Scheme
A Model Publication Scheme commits an authority to make information available to the public as part of its normal business activities. It allows National Centre for Circus Arts to be open and transparent, making information easily and routinely available. The scheme describes the information we publish or intend to publish in the future.
The scheme has been adopted in accordance with the Information Commissioner’s Office guidance.
Who we are and what we do
National Centre for Circus Arts is a charity and company limited by guarantee governed by articles of association and was established on 30 October 1990. In October 2013 revised Articles of Association were approved by the Charity Commission and the Board of Trustees.
The National Centre for Circus Arts’ objective, as set out in the Articles of Association, is to advance the education of the public in the Arts and to advance the Arts in each case with particular but not exclusive reference to the Circus Arts.
This is summarised in the organisation’s vision statement that allows the National Centre for Circus Arts to look into the future for the organisation and the sector, Great Circus Everywhere.
National Centre for Circus Arts has two subsidiary companies, which are wholly owned subsidiaries of the charity; trading profits are distributed to the charity to support our charitable objectives.
Circus Space Property Company Limited (company number 2803347) holds the 150-year lease of the three phases of the Hoxton site and manages the letting of space to Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in our small office units, and to companies using the Creation Studio to make and rehearse work.
Circus Space Events Limited (company number 4027679) manages corporate and private training workshops and hires of our large training spaces and courtyard for major events.
We are governed by a Board of Trustees. Trustees come from a wide variety of backgrounds including finance, law, compliance and the media, as well as the arts. The Board meets quarterly with the CEO and Senior Management Team and receives reports from the sub-committees and departmental heads.
There are three sub-committees of the Board: Finance Committee, Audit Committee and Remuneration & Nominations Committee (RAN), and also an Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee (EDI), all of which also meet four times a year.
Audit committee terms of reference
Finance committee terms of reference
RAN committee terms of reference
EDI Committee terms of reference
The management of the organisation is devolved by the Board to the Chief Executive who is supported by a Senior Management Team (SMT) and wider staff team. The organisation splits into three broad areas, each run by a director: Professional Development, Commercial and Operations.
Senior Management Team
Chief Executive Officer: Kate White
Chief Operating Officer: Joe O’Neill
Director of Professional Development: Glen Stewart
Commercial Director: Dan Cowdrill
What we spend and how we spend it
NCCA has a broad base of revenue streams to support our objectives and to spread financial risk. Our income comes from Higher Education grants and fees (34%), non-Higher Education grants and donations (35%) and commercial activities (31%).
Our policies and procedures
Higher Education policies & procedures
Staff policies & procedures: NCCA prefers to receive requests for this information under the Freedom of Information Act by email to foi@nationalcircus.org.uk
List & registers
Making a freedom of information request
National Centre for Circus Arts is a public body for the purpose of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), in most cases we must confirm whether or not we hold a specific piece of information, and if asked make it available to the public. There are a number of exemptions to the FOIA which allow us to withhold information if it is not appropriate to release it, however we will always act in the public interest.
We must respond to you within 20 working days of receipt of your request to comply with the requirements of the act.
If you wish to make a Freedom of Information request please email:Â foi@nationalcircus.org.uk
- Please be clear about what information you require. We will not start locating information until we believe that this information has been asked for clearly and that we understand your request. Please note that any resource given to this clarification will be included in the request processing time.
- Please remember that we can only provide information or data that we hold – there is no obligation under the act for us to create new data or make comments.
- You may want to search our published information to see if the answers you are looking for are already immediately available to you.