Safeguarding policy
National Centre for Circus Arts takes seriously its duty of care towards children, young and vulnerable people, to ensure the safety of all those who take part in National Centre for Circus Arts activities, both on and off site.
- We believe that all children, young and vulnerable people have a right to protection from abuse, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, ethnic origin, religious beliefs or sexual identity.
- We believe that the welfare of the child, young or vulnerable person is paramount. All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and addressed swiftly and appropriately.
- We recognise our responsibility to make staff, volunteers and trustees aware of the issues surrounding the safeguarding of children, young and vulnerable people and to ensure that they understand and implement the policy and procedures outlined in this document.
- We recognise the notional risk of abuse associated with an imbalance of power e.g. between teachers and students in closed situations.
We aim to:
- Ensure the safety and protection of all children, young and vulnerable people whilst in the care of National Centre for Circus Arts.
- Enable all staff, volunteers and trustees to make informed and confident responses to issues around the protection of children, young and vulnerable people.
- Promote a culture where all participants feel safe and respect each other’s individuality.
- Ensure that everyone has access to training, information and guidance in the area of keeping children, young and vulnerable people safe from harm.
- Ensure that parents and students are knowledgeable about these issues so that they can better protect themselves.
Safeguarding Team
NCCA has a number of Designated Safeguarding Leads and Designated Safeguarding Officers who can offer help and advice with any safeguarding queries. Please ask Reception if you would like a list of these staff.
Raising concerns
If you have any safeguarding concerns, please raise them with any member of NCCA staff who can put you in touch with our Designated Safeguarding Leads or Officers as appropriate. We will always adhere to our safeguarding and child protection policies and, if applicable, will refer any disclosures or concerns to the relevant authorities.